The poetics of painting – those of Lucia Sarto. Poetics that are expressed through light and subtle brushstrokes, which capture us and push us exactly towards that “beyond” from which they come. Admiring one of her works transports us to undertake an imaginative journey within the image, in a world of light, reflections and colors in which the artist permits us, and if it is only for a moment, to dream and travel to the places that she has chosen carefully.

This exhibition presents the latest works of the painter from Friuli, not only the ones that are dedicated to the landscape of the Veneto and of her beloved Venice, the city in which she spent important years of her formation, but also canvases featuring images of Israel, including Jerusalem and Golan.

In the Campo del Ghetto she inserts barely sketched figures into the architectural surroundings; figures that are in movement and without any kind of elaboration of lines; figures that apparently are not interested in the beholder, who perceives them in a passing moment; and figures who go about their own path and life. This may be a way to “contemporize” the secular architecture through the insertion of an ulterior temporal element beyond the flowers. Or it may be only a way to capture, without excess but silently, the poetics that every moment of our life is capable of conveying.

Petra Schaefer Andreoli
Venice, September 2005